Модератор: Владо Иреш
Let us take the situation in the Eastern European countries around 1990, when Really Existing Socialism was falling apart: all of a sudden, people were thrown into a situation of the “freedom of political choice” — however, were they REALLY at any point asked the fundamental question of what kind of new order they actually wanted? Is it not that they found themselves in the exact situation of the subject-victim of a Beauvois experiment? They were first told that they were entering the promised land of political freedom; then, soon afterwards, they were informed that this freedom involved wild privatization, the dismantling of the system of social security, etc. etc. — they still have the freedom to choose, so if they want, they can step out; but, no, our heroic Eastern Europeans didn’t want to disappoint their Western mentors, they stoically persisted in the choice they never made, convincing themselves that they should behave as mature subjects who are aware that freedom has its price ... This is why the notion of the psychological subject endowed with natural propensities, who has to realize its true Self and its potentials, and who is, consequently, ultimately responsible for his failure or success, is the key ingredient of liberal freedom
Изначально фильм представлял собой серию короткометражек, и был посвящен 30-летней годовщине Kit-Kat в Японии (логотип присутствует в эпизоде, когда Арису проходит кастинг). Впоследствии Сюндзи Иваи представил полнометражный художественный фильм, релиз которого состоялся в 2004 году. В 2005 и в 2006 годах он обошел кинотеатры и других стран, а также был представлен на международных фестивалях: Нью-йоркский фестиваль азиатского кино и Международный кинофестиваль в Сиэтле.
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